The Application Process for the Master's Course is now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!

Accepted students, for any questions please reach out to eurosun [at]

About the Master's Course

This Master's Course has been part of ISES congresses for many years and we are happy to offer it again this year at EuroSun 2022! Master's Courses in Solar Energy have been held during EuroSun Conferences in 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018 as well as at ISES Solar World Congresses in 2011 and 2021.

The Course welcomes students currently enrolled in a Master's Programme and who have completed a B.Sc. degree. Applicants should have a good knowledge of solar energy, solar buildings and related topics. The number of students is limited to 20 and all attending students are required to join ISES as a Student Member before the start of the Course. The Course is organized by ISES President, Prof. Dr. Klaus Vajen (Kassel University).

Before the start of the Course, the students will choose a conference theme they want to cover. The EuroSun 2022 conference themes can be found here. Based on the papers presented at the EuroSun 2022 and individual literature study, the students will work out a state-of-the-art report on the selected theme. For this, students will be paired in groups of two from different universities and will present their findings to other students and supervisors during the last day of the course.

The workload is 90 hours which corresponds to 3 ECTS points. Students will be given a certificate for having concluded a 3 ECTS credit course at the University of Kassel but the recognition of the course at their home university is at their sole responsibility. Supervisors should motivate students to take part in the Course.

Master's Course Timeline



23 March 2022

Enrollment opens

26 June 2022

Deadline for Applications

30 June 2022

Notification of Acceptance to the Course

02 August 2022

Assignment of Topics + Formation of Groups

12 September 2022

Full Paper Access for Masters Course Students

24 September 2022

Travel to Kassel + Get-Together dinner

25 – 29 September 2022

EuroSun 2022 in Kassel

25 September

Solar Speed-Dating

26 September

Young ISES Party

30 September 2022

Final Course Session (Exam)

Accommodation and Further Information

Accommodation during the course and costs:

Accepted students of the course will receive a free registration to the conference.

A Youth Hostel in Kassel was booked to accommodate all participants of the Master's Course. Accommodation will be provided, for 6 nights, between the 24th and the 30th of September. The costs for the Youth Hostel are covered by the conference organisers. Students will be responsible for arranging and financing their travel costs to Kassel.


Public Support
Public Support
Public Support
Gold Sponsor
Supporting Sponsor
Supporting Sponsor
Young ISES Sponsor
Young ISES Sponsor