General Information:
This technical tour will be offered on Thursday, 29 September 2022 - please see a detailed schedule below.
The costs for this tour are 30€ per person and lunch will be provided.
To register for this tour, please use the EuroSun 2022 registration portal here. Registered attendees can log in using their EuroSun 2022 log in credentials. Should you not have registered for EuroSun 2022 yet, registering for the technical tour will be part of the regular conference registration process.
Please note: participation in the technical tour is exclusive to attendees of EuroSun 2022.
For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at eurosun [at]
Stop 1 - Bad Nauheim
In Bad Nauheim, a cold local heating network was inaugurated in 2020. With a total pipe length of 13 km, 400 households are supplied with cold and heat. For this purpose, 22,000 m² of collector surface were installed at a depth of 1.5 m to 3.0 m under an agricultural area. The brine, which is about 10 °C warm, is used directly for cooling or with decentralized heat pumps for heating. The operation of the network is scientifically monitored and optimized.
Stop 2 - Ökosiedlung Friedrichsdorf
The city Friedrichsdorf is located close to Frankfurt, in the south of Hessen. The new settlement “Öko Siedlung Friedrichsdorf” in the north of the city will provide living space for 700 inhabitants and additionally room for commercial space, a day-care center, and a community center. From the sketch up it is designed as a domicile for sustainable living. The innovative energy supply system is a pillar of the concept. It comprises a local district heating network to distribute the heat demand of 350 housing units. The heat is generated by two large heat pumps, two CHP plants and two gas condensing boilers to cover the peak load. The heart of the System is a is a huge ice storage with a volume of more than 1300 m³. It provides the heat source for the heat pumps. The heat for the regeneration of the ice storage is provided by a collector field with 500 m² of PVT-Collectors and will be supplemented by 306 m² of unglazed solar collectors. The produced electric energy is consumed by the settlement or supplied into the public power grid. The ambitious system is a successful example for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of heat supply.

Stop 3 - Ostheim
The Ostheim gas pressure regulating and metering plant of EAM Netz has a heat demand of about 1,900 MWh/a for preheating the natural gas. The heat requirement arises from the fact that the natural gas cools down during expansion and must therefore be heated by around 30 K. A solar process heating system with two large partial fields was installed. Large-area flat-plate collectors with an area of 198 m² were installed directly on the roof of the GDRA, and another 224 m² are located on a green area directly in front of the building. In addition to the solar system, three gas absorption heat pumps of 41 kW each were installed to further reduce the fossil energy demand. In the first year of operation, a total solar coverage rate 11 % was achieved. In addition, about 30 % of the heat demand is provided by the gas absorption heat pumps.

Tour 1: Schedule
Schedule - Thursday, 29 September 2022
08:30 - 11:00 CEST Travel to Bad Nauheim
11:00 - 12:30 CEST Visit to cold local heating Bad Nauheim
12:30 - 13:30 CEST Travel to Friedrichsdorf and lunch break
13:30 - 15:00 CEST Visit to ice storage Friedrichsdorf
15:00 - 17:00 CEST Travel to Ostheim
17:00 - 18:00 CEST Visit to GDRA Ostheim
18:00 - 19:00 CEST Return to Kassel
EuroSun 2022 Farewell Reception