Renewable Energy – Insights from Environmental and Behavioral Economics
Consumers’ active participation in the energy transition is a perquisite for its success. To this end, barriers to acceptance must be overcome and habits as well as individual behavior must change. The empirical analysis of survey data enables the detection of such barriers and the analysis of possible instruments that can change individual behavior. This workshop provides an overview of survey-based research methods in the field of environmental and behavioral economics and discusses two recent studies dealing with the provision of demand-side flexibility.
This workshop will welcome the following speakers:
- Beate Fischer
- Larissa Fait
- Victor von Loessl
This workshop will be moderated by Prof. Heike Wetzel and Jonas Bender.
Beate Fischer

Beate Fischer currently works as research associate at the chair of Applied Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics (University of Kassel). She has a background in political science, business administration and economics. Her research focuses on sustainability and citizen participation in the energy sector.
Larissa Fait

Larissa Fait is research associate at the chair of Applied Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics (University of Kassel) since 2019. Prior she studied sustainable development (B.Sc.) and sustainable economics and business administration (M.Sc.). Her research focuses on energy and behavioral economics as well as climate and energy policy. She is particularly interested in consumer acceptance of smart charging and the optimal integration of electric vehicles into the electricity grid.
Victor von Loessl

Victor von Loessl is research associate at the chair of Applied Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics (University of Kassel) since 2017. Prior he studied environmental science (B.Sc.) and sustainable economics and business administration (M.Sc.). His research focuses on energy and behavioral economics as well as environmental and energy policy. He is particularly interested in households’ acceptance of dynamic electricity tariffs as well as the efficient design of such electricity tariffs.
Prof. Heike Wetzel - Moderator

Heike Wetzel holds a professorship for Applied Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics at the University of Kassel. She earned her doctorate in economics at the University of Lüneburg in 2008. From 2009 to 2014 she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne. Her research interest include applied energy and regulatory economics as well as empirical efficiency and productivity analysis.
Jonas Bender - Moderator

Jonas Bender is research associate at the chair of Applied Microeconomics and Empirical Energy Economics (University of Kassel) since 2018. Previously, he worked for two years as a sales engineer and manager in the DACH region, establishing a sales network for energy efficiency technologies in the manufacturing industry. His research focuses on energy retrofits and electromobility, investigating the optimal integration of electric vehicles and heat pumps into the electricity grid through tariff design. He is particularly interested in preferences and incentives for energy efficiency in the residential heating sector.